Multiple ‘Drag Queens’ in the News This Week for Appalling Sex Crimes Against Children

Mark Childers
by Debra Heine


The left’s favorite expression of gay pride has been in the news this week for all the wrong reasons. Multiple “Drag queens” and “transgender stars” have been arrested for appalling sex crimes against children.

The stories feature cross-dressing men who allegedly abused children in Oregon, Australia, West Virginia, and Kentucky.

“Drag queen” Eron David Griffin, 42, accused of sexually abusing minors at his part-time home salon business in Salem Oregon:

Griffin, who performed under the name “Stella Mess,” was arrested in November but police didn’t publicized the investigation and arrest until this week.  The investigation was reportedly launched in October after multiple minors claimed he sexually abused them.  Police are now seeking other victims of the alleged pedophile.

Griffin has ties to convicted pedophile Kelsey Meta Boren, whose drag stage name was  “Alwaiz Craving” (always craving) the Post Millennial reported.

Boren was convicted in Lane County, Ore. last year of 11 felony counts of encouraging child sexual abuse in the first degree. Boren had worked at an elementary school and was a drag queen ambassador for a queer nonprofit in Oregon.

Griffin was charged with three counts of third-degree sexual abuse and sexual solicitation.

Cross-dressing “TikTok star” exposed in court as a pedophile who molested children and stalked a family:

In October 2022, a middle-aged man who calls himself Rachel Queen Burton was arrested in October for crimes that took place in rural and regional South Australia, the Blaze reported.

On Tuesday, Burton pleaded guilty to charges of aggravated child abuse, including indecency, indecent assault, and producing and possessing child exploitation material.

The mother of the victims told him in court, “You can wear any mask you like, but the truth is out and everybody knows who you really are, finally.”

Burton, a self-described “proud Trans Woman living [his] best life with no regrets,” initially denied the allegations; however, he has since pleaded guilty to aggravated counts of producing and possessing child porn, gross indecency, and indecent assault.

Judge Rauf Soulio of the South Australia District Court heard that Burton repeatedly molested two children prior to his rise as a local LGBT icon on TikTok, where he netted over 36,000 followers and frequently appeared with the transgender flag.

The victims’ mother told the court that she fled with the kids upon discovering the abuse, but that they were pursued by Burton.

The mother indicated she managed to take the children to a police-issued safe house, but even there, safety proved illusory as Burton “showed up at the window, peering in,” prompting them to flee again, reported the Advertiser.

“No food, scared children, too scared to go anywhere, never knowing if you could find us,” said the mother. “When the children did sleep, nightmares haunted them.”

The mother addressed Burton, who’s currently in a men’s prison, through the court’s video link.

“You are the monster, you make me feel sick to my stomach,” she said.

“You are a gross, phony, self-indulgent thing who has cheated my children out of so much, and took it away from them without care,” continued the mother. “In your online rants, you showed no remorse for your bad behavior, all while knowing what you had done … getting an audience for your false life was far more important.”

“Drag queen” teacher in West Virginia arrested on child sexual exploitation charges:

The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office announced Monday that multiple sexual exploitation charges had been filed against former Jefferson High School teacher Edgar Conn, the Journal reported.

Conn was arrested Saturday as a fugitive from justice, facing eight counts of sexual exploitation of a child in Cobb County, Georgia. On Monday, Jefferson County Sgt. Joe Forman obtained an arrest warrant for Conn, charging him with distribution and exhibiting of material depicting minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct (more than 50 images but less than 600 images); soliciting a minor via computer; and distribution and display to minor of obscene matter.

A release issued by the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office shared that members of the Cobb County (Georgia) Police Department had communicated with Forman that a juvenile in their jurisdiction had sent sexually explicit and nude pictures to an adult who resides in Jefferson County. The release went on to say that the victim, later reported to be a 17-year-old-male, believed he was communicating with an adult female named “Megan” since November 2023. The Cobb County Police Department, through its investigation, determined that “Megan” was Conn.

The release also shared that Forman, on Jan. 31, interviewed Conn, who admitted to pretending to be a female and communicating with a male subject from Georgia. In addition, the release indicated that Conn advised that he did send nude and sexually explicit pictures of a female that he located on the internet claiming to be that female. He also admitted to knowing the male was a 17-year-old when he sent and received nude and sexually explicit pictures.

The Jefferson County Board of Education reportedly removed Conn from his position upon learning of the allegations.

He is currently incarcerated at the Eastern Regional Jail awaiting a preliminary hearing on these charges.

Trans-identified male charged with sexually abusing a BABY in Kentucky:

Mark Childers (pictured above), whose preferred name is “Maria,” was arrested in February of 2023 after he allegedly molested a baby at a childcare facility in Paducah.

The Department of Community Based Services (DCBS) received an anonymous tip regarding the alleged abuse that had occurred months earlier at Explore Learning Academy.

The tip, reportedly written by one of Childers’ co-workers, accused him of making inappropriate comments towards an infant while changing the child’s diaper, and touching the baby inappropriately.

Reduxx has now obtained court records detailing the full complaint against Childers, which showed that he was accused of both physical and sexual abuse while employed at the daycare.

According to Reduxx, Childers hired a trans activist lawyer to represent him in “the sickening case,” and was able to reach a plea deal on January 29 that avoids prison time as long as he abides by the conditions set by the court during a 6-month period.

If Childers meets the conditions, he may not even receive a criminal record, Reduxx reported.

The accused baby molester was released from custody last month.

The Post Millennial profiled several other transvestite performers who were arrested for sex crimes against children in recent years.

In March 2019, the Houston Public Library issued an apology after a Drag Queen Storytime performer was revealed to be a convicted child sex offender. Albert Alfonso Garza, a trans performer who used the drag name “Tatiana Mala Niña,” had a prior conviction for sexually assaulting an 8-year-old boy in Texas.

A second drag queen who performed at the Houston Public Library’s drag events was also revealed to have been convicted of sex crimes against children while a teen. In June 2022, central Pennsylvania drag queen and LGBTQ+ youth advocate “Anastasia Diamond,” real name Brice Williams, was charged with 25 counts of child pornography.

Conservative activist Christopher Rufo wrote on X that these stories represent “the grim conclusion of the ideology that drives Drag Queen Story Hour,” and shared a video detailing how Drag Queen ideology has taken a nightmarish track from an expression of private libertinism to a radical, left-wing revolutionary campaign to overthrow the natural order though sexual perversion.

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Debra Heine reports for American Greatness. 







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